India- Yale Parliamentary Leadership Program

The India-Yale Parliamentary Leadership Program is a collaborative program between Yale University and GPPI-CPR designed to provide Indian Parliamentarians with opportunities to critically think about the current global issues and leadership challenges in a neutral environment.

With some of the world renowned experts of Yale as well as specialist scholars from Think Tanks and research institutes, the parliamentarians get an opportunity to interact with them on a wide spectrum of global issues as well as on issues relating to leadership and management. Lectures, discussions and seminars with renowned practitioners in their areas complement the curricular activities of the Yale Program.

An 11 member multi-party delegation visited the US from June 19 to 27, 2013 to participate in the seventh ‘India-Yale Parliamentary Leadership Program’. The delegation, led by Mr. Bhubaneswar Kalita (INC), held a series of broad based discussion with some of the finest academicians of Yale on subjects varying from economic, political, security and strategic issues; democracy and the challenges that confront development issues and contentious subjects of global social concerns during the 10-day program. The Forthcoming elections in India, the prospects for Afghanistan and Pakistan after the US military withdrawal in 2014, the implications of political and economic transitions in China are the topics which dominated the discussions.